Taxpayer defense institute
A National Association of Tax Professionals
In Defense of Taxpayers’ Rights

TDI Membership Levels, Benefits and Fees
The Taxpayers Defense Institute offers the following membership opportunities. Each has its own special features and benefits.
Certified Member – $695 per year
Continuing Education Credits. Discounts up to 50% off continuing educations credits through the Pilla Tax Academy. This saves you the time of finding current, high quality and relevant topics to fulfill your CE needs. The credits are based on prior Taxpayers’ Defense Conferences, Dan’s books, newsletter articles and special research reports. Since CE credits cost approximately $75-$149 a credit, this can be worth the price of the membership alone.
Members-only Room. The Members-only Room on our website includes special reports, recordings of prior teleconferences/zoom meetings, practice aids as well as current and back issues of the Pilla Talks Taxes newsletter. The Pilla Talks Taxes alone retails for $99 per year.
Zoom Meetings. Our exclusive Taxpyaer Defense Institute members-only Zoom meetings to keep you up to date on breaking changes that affect you and your clients right now. We have four to six of these special conferences every year to address issues that require your immediate attention. Some of these will earn you educational credits when you attend live.
Email Networking. You have the opportunity to take advantage of the pool of knowledge and experience available from our entire group through daily, ongoing email interactions between Dan and other members. Our members are willing and ready to share their skills and experience. No matter what the problem, you will get guidance based on solid experience.
Direct Access to Dan Pilla. Certified Members are entitled to up to three hours per year of consultation time directly and personally with Dan. This time can be used for any reason associated with IRS defense issues. Dan charges $350/hour for consultation time. At that, this feature alone is worth more than the cost of membership.
Attendance at TDI Functions. Certified Members may attend all official TDI functions at applicable member discount prices. This includes a discount to our annual Taxpayers Defense Conference where you can earn up to 14 education credits learning the latest proceedures to solving your client’s tax problems.

Pilla Talks Taxes
Our members have complete access to all issues of Pilla Talks Taxes. Compare this to the $99 annual subscription that allows access to the three most recent issues.

Display of TDI Logo. Certified Members are entitled to display the official TDI logo on their letterhead, etc., evidencing their membership in the nation’s leading tax professional association.
Consulting Member – $1995 per year (By invitation only*)
The Consulting Member level is our highest membership level. It is desirable for attorneys, accountants and enrolled agents actively engaged in representing clients before the IRS and who wish to build their practice through quality client referrals. The Consulting Membership level includes all of the features of the Certified, plus:
TDI Directory Listing. Consulting Members are listed in our public directory of tax pros to whom client referrals are made. Each time a person contacts our office or speaks with Dan regarding the wish for a referral, we give out the name of our nearest Consulting Member. Our Consulting Members are regularly listed in the Pilla Talks Taxes newsletter, and their names are featured on our web site. Our Consulting Members are invited to participate with Dan in public seminars where they have the potential of meeting hundreds of people in need of tax help.
Newsletter Articles. Our Consulting Members have an open invitation to submit articles for our newsletter, Pilla Talks Taxes. This service provides the double benefit of adding to our collective pool of knowledge while showcasing your skill, experience and expertise to our nonprofessional subscribers. Articles carry the author’s name, address, and phone number. Readers are invited to call for help with similar problems.
Associate Memberships – $395 per person per year
Have another member of your firm you want to have certifed membership benefits? You can add an associate membership when you join a available with Certified or Consulting membership.
Premier Certified Memberships – Memberships for you and two others in your firm.
Certified Premier -$1295
Consulting Premier – $2495 (by invitation only*)
The Premier Membership level includes all of the above Certified or Consulting level features, plus:
Two Additional Firm Members. Two additional members of your firm get access to the email list, Members-only Room and our Zoom meetings (additional members beyond the first two may be added at $395 each).
Firm Membership. The Firm Membership gives you up to 50% off continuing education credits offered through the Pilla Tax Academy. These discounts are available to those you have listed with your Premier firm membership.
Have additional firm members you want to add? Additional Associate Memberships $395 per person per year.
* By invitation only – the Consulting Member Level is by INVITATION only. Contact us via phone to see how you may reach this level.
JOIN NOW! Enrollment options:
2 Year Certified membership $1250
3 year Certifeed membership $1660
Premier Certifed $1295 per year
Consulting Level- Contact us by phone for information on how you could get to this level.
Additional associates can be added at cart for $395 per associate.
“I don’t know why I waited so long to join TDI. I am so glad to be part of the group and so appreciate your help and your wisdom. I would not have the skills I have today without all the knowledge I gained from reading your books.” – Greg B. – Enrolled Agent