Taxpayer defense institute

A National Association of Tax Professionals
In Defense of Taxpayers’ Rights

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Taxpayers Defense Institute
Daniel J. Pilla


 Your go to source
for all your tax resolution
continuing education credits!

What We Have So You’re Always on Top

For over four decades, Dan Pilla has been the nation’s leader in taxpayers’ rights defense and IRS abuse prevention and cure.  Regarded as one of the country’s premiere experts in IRS procedures, he has not only helped thousands of citizens solve personal and business tax problems but also founded a national society of tax professionals, teaching them how to be successful in tax problem resolution. 
We are an Approved Continuing Education Provider through the IRS with our conferences also approved by the Minnesota Board of  Legal education.  Our certificates of completion are accepted by organizations for Attorney’s, CPAs, and Enrolled Agents.


Check out current schedule
Fundementals of Tax Resolution
Tax Resolution Strategy
Emergency Actions to Stop Collection
Appealing a Notice of Deficiency
The CDP Judical Appeal
Audits on Businesses
Canceling Pentaly and Interest
and more …

Self Study Course with Dan Pilla


Timing wrong for the webinar you wished to attend?  Saw a course in a prior Taxpayers Defense Conference that you needed to attend?
Check out our many cutting edge courses that you take on your time schedule at your pace.

Check out topics available


Details for upcoming Conference
Since 1993, Daniel J. Pilla has presented the nation’s leading conference for tax professionals in the tax resolution industry.  To serve your clients in the best possible way, you need to know how to protect and defend your clients. That’s where the Taxpayers Defense Conference comes in.

Taxpayers Defense Conference


 DATE: November 7-8, 2024

LOCATION: Houston Texas
Houston by the Galleria

 Limited rooms- book your room now

Up to 14 Continuing Education Credits Available


Two Day Conference is offered as
onsite or streaming virtual format.


Registration now open
$895 per person
SAVE $100 when register by Sept 1, 2024!

$795 Onsite Attendee Registration
Lunch included

$895 $795 Streaming Attendee Registration

 Additional discounts available for
Taxpayer Defense Institute Members

Membership Info - Join us!

2023 Sessions Detail

023 Sessions


    • What to Expect from the Revitalized IRS (1 hour)
      The Inflation Reduction Act guaranteed $80 billion in additional funding to the IRS but recent legislation cut $21 billion from that package. The agency just released its Strategic Operating Plan laying out how it will use the new resources going forward. Dan Pilla addresses how this will affect taxpayers generally, and small businesses specifically.
    • Penalty Abatement Law and Procedures (2 hours)
      Dan Pilla presents a detailed discussion on the most common penalties assessed against taxpayers, and strategies for getting penalty relief. We analyze statutes, regulations and court decisions that bear on penalty relief. We discuss penalty appeals in both the administrative context and in Collection Due Process (CDP) appeals.
    • Recurring Issues in CDP Cases (2 hours)
      Dan Pilla takes an in-depth look at several recurring problem issues that arise in CDP cases. Drawing on Pilla’s experience as lead counsel in dozens of CDP cases litigated in the U.S. Tax Court, we analyze the mistakes made by IRS Appeals Officers and how to prevent and cure those mistakes in future cases.
    • How to Challenge the Underlying Tax in CDP Cases (1 hour)
      Steve Klitzner discusses the authority under Code § 6330 for challenging a tax assessment through the CDP channel. We examine recent Tax Court decisions that explain when a taxpayer can and cannot raise such a challenge, as well as the Tax Court’s jurisdiction to review an IRS determination in this regard.
    • Tax Solutions Workshop – Specific Case Analysis Countering National, Local, and Transportation Standards (1 hour)
      Dan Pilla will moderate discussion with Q&A of all the issues and topics discussed during the day, with focus on a specific, actual case involving complex CDP and Tax Court appeals
    • Countering National, Local and Transportation Expense Standards  (2 hours)
      Dan Pilla examines the statutory and regulatory guidelines for the IRS’s National, Local and Transportation expense standards used in all collection cases, including Offers in Compromise. In addition, Pilla uses the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) to illustrate what expenses are allowable or not.
    • Meeting the Burden of Proof in CDP Cases (1 hour)
      MacKenzie Hesselroth examines exactly how to the meet the taxpayer’s burden of proof in collection negotiations. We analyze IRS Forms 433-A and B, and Form 433-A (OIC). We explain which form is used, and when. We address IRM provisions on what must be proved for a taxpayer to get credit for personal living expenses and necessary business expenses in determining one’s ability to pay in the context of collection negotiations.
    • Recovering Fees and Costs of Litigation (2 hours ethics)
      Scott MacPherson addresses the ethical standards at play in requesting and recovering fees and costs of litigation when prevailing against the IRS. We examine the tax code and regulations together with the Tax Court Rules that govern this issue.
    • Figuring Reasonable Collection Potential in OIC Cases  (1 hour)
      Pilla uses information learned in the conference’s earlier sessions to demonstrate exactly how to calculate the amount of an Offer in Compromise, using IRM provisions and settled principles as set forth by the Tax Court.
    • Tax Solutions Workshop Bring Your Questions / Cases
      Group discussion of problems, questions, and strategies based upon all earlier presentations. We will present and discuss hypothetical cases involving various aspects of IRS problems resolution.

      Total credit hours- TBD, applying for 14 hours , including 1-2 hours ethics credit

Taxpayers Defense Conferences

Each year since 1993, Tax Freedom Institute founder and Executive Director, Daniel J. Pilla has presented the nation’s leading seminar for tax professionals, the Taxpayers Defense Conference. Designed specifically for tax pros in the business of helping taxpayers solve IRS audit, appeal and collection problems, Dan reveals the latest on exactly what to expect from the IRS and exactly how you can best help your clients weather the latest storm. To serve your clients in the best possible way, you need to know how to protect and defend your clients. That’s where the Taxpayers Defense Conference comes in.

Each year, Dan Pilla personally prepares the presentation topics for the Defense Conference. His topics always include the latest trends in IRS enforcement actions, court decisions, tax legislation and clients’ needs.



The Taxpayers Defense Conference is so unique and powerful in its ability to help you help your clients, it’s no wonder that more than 97% of the tax pros who’ve attended our seminar in the past say they would come back again.    In fact, many tax pros have attended this conference for more than 20 years in a row. How many seminars can you say that about? 

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